158 Products
7 100Ft
Fedezze fel a modern elegancia és a technológiai innováció tökéletes ötvözetét ezzel a lenyűgöző digitális órával, amelyet kifejezetten a stílusos és magabiztos nők számára terveztek. Az óra fém szíja és arany színű borítása kifinomult megjelenést kölcsönöz, míg a fekete LED kijelző és a fehér számok kontrasztja modern és letisztult hatást […]
7 100Ft
Fedezze fel a modern elegancia és a technológiai innováció tökéletes harmóniáját ezzel a lenyűgöző digitális órával, amelyet kifejezetten a stílusos és magabiztos nők számára terveztek. Az óra anti-allergén IPS bevonata nemcsak a bőrbarát viseletet biztosítja, hanem a tartósságot is garantálja, így hosszú távon is megőrzi kifogástalan megjelenését. A LED kijelző […]
10 500Ft
Fedezze fel a tökéletes elegancia világát ezzel a lenyűgöző női karórával, amely a kifinomultság és a funkcionalitás tökéletes egyensúlyát kínálja. A MIYOTA mechanizmus, amelyet Japánban gyártottak, garantálja a megbízhatóságot és a precizitást, így Ön mindig pontosan érkezhet meg a fontos pillanatokra. Az óra anti-allergén IPG bevonata biztosítja, hogy a viselése […]
7 400Ft
Curren: A Timeless Blend of Elegance and Innovation In the world of horology, where precision meets artistry, Curren emerges as a beacon of modern technology fused with original design. These watches are not just timepieces; they are a statement. Crafted for those who seek the extraordinary, Curren watches are a […]
7 800Ft
Discover Timeless Elegance with Curren Watches Curren, a distinguished name in the world of horology, masterfully blends modern technology with original design to create watches that are not only functional but also captivating. These timepieces are crafted for individuals who appreciate the allure of timeless elegance and seek to make […]
9 300Ft
Curren: A Timeless Blend of Elegance and Innovation In the world of horology, where precision meets artistry, Curren emerges as a beacon of modern technology fused with original design. These watches are not just timekeepers; they are statements of style and sophistication. Crafted for those who seek timeless elegance and […]
8 900Ft
Curren Watches: A Symphony of Elegance and Innovation In the world of horology, where precision meets artistry, Curren emerges as a beacon of modern technology fused with original design. These timepieces are not just instruments to tell time; they are a statement of elegance and sophistication, crafted for those who […]
10 000Ft
Curren Watches: Timeless Elegance Meets Modern Innovation Discover the allure of Curren, a watch manufacturer renowned for its seamless blend of cutting-edge technology and unique, original design. These timepieces are not just instruments of time; they are statements of elegance that captivate and draw attention. Perfect for those who seek […]
10 000Ft
Curren Watches: Timeless Elegance Meets Modern Innovation In the world of horology, where precision meets artistry, Curren stands as a beacon of excellence. Renowned for its seamless fusion of cutting-edge technology and original design, Curren watches are not just timepieces; they are a statement. Each model is crafted to exude […]
8 300Ft
Discover the Elegance of Curren Watches In the world of timepieces, Curren stands as a beacon of innovation and style, seamlessly blending modern technology with original design. These watches are not just instruments to tell time; they are statements of elegance and sophistication, crafted for those who appreciate the finer […]
8 900Ft
Curren: A Timeless Blend of Elegance and Innovation Discover the allure of Curren watches, where modern technology meets original design to create a masterpiece that is both elegant and attention-grabbing. These timepieces are crafted for individuals who appreciate the beauty of timeless, impressive designs, made from high-quality materials at attractive […]
8 900Ft
Discover the Elegance of Curren Watches In the world of timepieces, Curren stands as a beacon of innovation and style, seamlessly blending modern technology with original design. These watches are not just instruments to tell time; they are statements of elegance and sophistication, crafted for those who appreciate the finer […]